Monday, December 17, 2012

Author Visit on 12/18/12

David M. Sargent, Jr.

will visit
Weatherly Elementary

on Tues., December 18, 2012

at 1:00pm in the cafeteria!

Author of several children's books, David will speak to Weatherly students about being an author and the importance of reading.  He will introduce his special furry friends: Emma, Daphne, Tatum and Spike, and share his inspiration for writing through the love of animals.

After his presentation, you will be able to purchase his books at a booksigning in the Weatherly front lobby.  He will autograph your copies and pose for pictures. Cash or checks made to Ozark Publishing will be accepted.

David M. Sargent has written The Doggie Tails Series, The Best Friend Series and  The Feather Tail Series

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yay! New books are here!

Thanks to Weatherly PTA, donations from parents and students, and near-record sales from our Scholastic Book Fair, our Library now has several new books for you to check out.  Enjoy!

Here's how to search online for our newest books:
1) Go to the Atriuum Library Catalog or click here.
2) On the yellow tabs, click on "Visual"
3) Click on "Recent Additions"

Remember, you may place a hold on a book yourself, but you have to login first:
  • In the upper left corner, click "Log On"
  • Username: firstname and last initial (ex. johnw)
  • PIN: the MMDD of your birthday (ex. May 14 would be 0514)
To place a book on reserve, click on the title of the book and then choose "Quick Reserve."  We'll let you know when your book is ready to be picked up!  It's super easy.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Scholastic Book Fair is here!

Scholastic Book Fair! Yay!
Mon., Sept. 10 - Fri., Sept. 14

Hours: 8:00am - 3:00pm (Monday-Thursday)

Hours: 8:00am - 1:00pm (Friday)
Evening Hours:  6:00pm - 8:00ish (Thursday) during Celebrity Reading Night
Location: Weatherly Library

  • We have something for everyone!  Shop through our picture books, chapter books, science books, joke books, cookbooks and boxed sets of popular series.
  • We couldn't do it without you.  All proceeds go to purchase new books and equipment for our school Library!  Yay!
  • Volunteers will receive a $5.00 gift certificate for helping with sales, assisting children with purchases or packing up the Fair on Friday afternoon.  Contact Mrs. Youmans if you would like to help.

Did you know you can shop online? 

Browse the books from the comfort of home or send the link below to relatives out-of-town.  The online store offers a much wider selection of books than what is at the actual Book Fair.  Orders will be shipped to the school and delivered to your child.
You can shop online until Sept 22nd! 

Thank you for your support!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to login to Atriuum

Anytime! Anywhere! Any computer!
Parents and students, now you can login to our Library's catalog system. Hooray!

When you login to Atriuum, you can:
1) See what books you have checked out
2) See when your items are due back
3) Place a hold on a title (Reserve an Item—limit 3 titles)
4) Rate or review books

How to login:
Click on the yellow LOG ON button in the upper right corner
  • Username is your first name and last initial (i.e. David Moss would type davidm)
  • PIN is your birthday mmdd (i.e. April 10th would be 0410)
What is a Bookbag?
"Bookbags" are lists that you create for your private use.  These can be books you want to read, or all the books our Library has on a particular subject. The Bookbag page displays the contents of your current bookbag or a message stating that your bookbag is empty. 

If you have not logged on to your patron account, the bookbag is only temporary. This means you can add item records, but they will be removed after a period of inactivity unless you log on and save it.

Writing a Review:
I encourage students to review books they have read.  Honest reviews will help future readers decide whether they are interested in that book. All reviews will be approved by me before appearing on the title record.
  • If you liked a book, tell us why ("It was exciting when..." or "I loved the main character because...") 
  • If you didn't like the book, tell us about that, too ("It was hard to get into..." or "It was boring..." or "The action was too slow...")