Monday, December 17, 2012

Author Visit on 12/18/12

David M. Sargent, Jr.

will visit
Weatherly Elementary

on Tues., December 18, 2012

at 1:00pm in the cafeteria!

Author of several children's books, David will speak to Weatherly students about being an author and the importance of reading.  He will introduce his special furry friends: Emma, Daphne, Tatum and Spike, and share his inspiration for writing through the love of animals.

After his presentation, you will be able to purchase his books at a booksigning in the Weatherly front lobby.  He will autograph your copies and pose for pictures. Cash or checks made to Ozark Publishing will be accepted.

David M. Sargent has written The Doggie Tails Series, The Best Friend Series and  The Feather Tail Series