Tuesday, January 1, 2013

eBooks are Exciting!

29 new titles you can view anytime, anywhere!

Follow these steps to read one of our new eBook titles:

1.  Click on Atriuum Library Catalog to open the catalog.  

2.  In the upper left corner, click on the yellow box that says "Media"
       (Note: The eBooks will show up in a regular keyword search for books, but if you want to see only a list of eBooks, you'll need to click on the MEDIA button).

3.  Check the box for eBook and click "Search"

4.  Click on a red title to select an eBook. You will see the record below:


(Note:  The AR information is at the bottom of this screen under "Study Programs."  It is also on the main search results page at the bottom of the title record). 

5.  To play the eBook, click on the red title in the middle of the page (underneath the Facthound link). You can click on the Facthound link to go to a separate site with lots of information related to the book!

 6.  Once you see this screen, you're almost there!  Press the purple PLAY button at the bottom of the screen.  Click on the pink >> button to turn the page when you're ready.

Audio ON: You will hear a voice reading the text while you follow along.
Audio OFF: Try this if you want to read it all by yourself!

 Enjoy and have fun!  See if you can earn some AR points from an eBook this month!